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Experimental Research
Clinical Research
Databases & Registers
Health Economic Research
Bone and Joint Decade
NOF Congress 2010

We have many years' experience in collaborating with clinical depatments and research laboratories, national as well as international.

Our research group is idea generator, promoter and central organizer of these collaborations. The group priotizes a broad collaboration across specialites and disciplinary groups in order to ensure expertise and numerous patient data in the clinical research.

The present network is built up through a long research tradition. The existence of a solid network is crucial when implementing new project ideas and maintaining visions of a broad collaboration across centres and disciplinary groups. To read more about our collaborators, click here.

Our present international collaborators are:


Hip displacements and correctable scoliosis were prevalent in children with cerebral palsy registered in a Danish follow-up programme from 2010 to 2020.
Krarup LH, Kristensen PK, Stisen MB, Nordbye-Nielsen K, Mechlenburg I.
Low-load exercises with concurrent blood flow restriction as rehabilitation for unspecific knee pain to a former American football player: A case report
Mechlenburg I, Nielsen TG, Kristensen N, Bentzen A, Jørgensen SL.
Football players with hip dysplasia: The relationship between muscle strength, functional performance, self-reported sport and recreation, cartilage defects and sex. A cross-sectional study
O'Brien MJM, Kemp JL, Semciw AI, Mechlenburg I, Jacobsen JS, King MG, Scholes MJ, Lawrenson PR, Crossley K, Agricola R, Souza RB, Heerey J.
 Ortopædkirurgisk Forskning Aarhus Universitetshospital Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99 Indgang J 8200 Aarhus N Tel: +45 7846 7471 
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